How To Shop For Your New Healthy Way Of Living…

One of the key parts of living a healthy lifestyle is watching what you put into your body in terms of food. The choices you make about what you eat and drink can and do play a vital role in your overall health. Most of us eat a diet that’s riddled with processed foods that are incredibly bad for us when eaten over the long term and that doesn’t even come close to talking about takeaway or fast food that tastes great but is pretty toxic. Did you know that some burgers from takeaways don’t decompose even after they’ve been left out in the open for months? Yes months! What you should be eating is the freshest and healthiest food you can find and avoiding processed food altogether if possible.

The next step in eating healthily is understanding the psychology of how supermarkets are laid out and they all tend to have this in common. Have you ever noticed that one of the first things you smell when you walk into any supermarket is freshly baked bread or if not then the bread and pastry products are right in front of you? All the healthy food is then kept right behind this but because your sense of smell has already been switched on by all tasty treats you just smelled. This means your buying decisions are now controlled by appetite rather than common sense so all the fruit and vegetables you planned on buying are now being replaced by pasta sauces, cooked meats and all other kinds of fatty and very tasty foods that your body is craving. You’ve just been food hijacked.

Next you have to pay attention to how the shelves are arranged and where the supermarket puts the health food choices when it comes to tinned goods. The items they want you to buy, the heavily processed ones, are at the top of the shelf and the healthier items are stacked underneath. And even then you need to be extremely careful about what you pick up and put in your basket or cart. There is more and more pressure on supermarkets and brand name foods to list the nutritional content on a label for each item. Just remember that just because something says it’s “organic” or “natural” doesn’t mean that the ingredients are – some of it is just clever marketing. A perfect example of this is with fruit juices that are made from concentrate and not from the actual fruit – real apple juice is a cloudy green-ish color for example whereas most apple juices you buy are almost transparent and look a bit more like cider.

The real key to having the healthiest possible diet is to cut out processed foods entirely or as much as you can. This means nothing from a tin or a packet. You use fresh meats, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and wholegrain bread, rice and pasta. You can even go as far as making your own pasta sauces if you want using fresh tomatoes and herbs and you are just going to love how amazing this tastes and it’s so easy you’ll be kicking yourself for not doing it sooner!

A great way to get started is to write out a shopping list before you go shopping and just buy the healthy food you’ve listed – otherwise you run the risk of impulse buying those fat-riddled cookies that are just screaming “Buy me. Eat me. I’m SO tasty!” at you every time you pass them.

The benefits of eating healthily are far too immense not to take advantage of.






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Easy Diet Tips…

Here are some easy diet tips to get you started! (and keep you going)

The reality is that your diet should be what you eat for the rest of your life not just something you have to go through to lose a bit of weight! Theres a lot that you can learn about your diet, so forget trying to remember it all, why not make just one change today?

The short version:

Eat more fruit and veg
Be more active
Drink more water!

The Longer version

Here’s our dietitians favourite tips, why not come back to them from time to time to see what you change next in your diet?

Eat regular meals- at least three per day. This will prevent you from becoming too hungry and over eating later, don’t snack between meals.

Make sure your diet is made up mainly from fruit, vegetables and fibre rich foods like bread and pasta. These are filling, low in fat and good for you!

Use low fat substitutes for dairy products wherever possible, for example, skimmed milk, low fat cheese, cottage cheese and yoghurt.

Get used to taking your tea and coffee with skimmed milk and no sugar.

Do not be fooled by low fat biscuits and cakes, or you might eat the whole packet! Instead, allow yourself to a small portion of the full fat version, and savour it!

Don’t eat large, heavy meals last thing at night or your body won’t have chance to burn off those calories.

Make sure you have a healthy breakfast to kick start your metabolism.

Avoid frying food, instead use the grill which lets fat drip off the food.

Soak excess fat from food before serving on absorbent kitchen paper.

Replace desserts with fruit to satisfy the craving for something sweet.

Drink plenty of water and low calorie drinks to help you feel full.

Make yourself more active, climb stairs and walk all short journeys.

Do an exercise class or take up a sport, not only does this burn up calories but you’ll feel better and look more toned.

Choose the lower fat options when in restaurants, avoid fried foods and rich sauces.

Avoid using butter on bread, potatoes etc. If you must, use a small amount of margarine.

Don’t drink sugary drinks and beware of the hidden calories in alcohol.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, aim to lose weight slowly and to create a healthy balanced diet that you can heppily live with and it will stay off for good! Allow yourself treats occasionally or you may end up bingeing.

Try and adopt a healthy attitude to food for life, rather than constantly being on a diet, that way you’ll be able to achieve and keep the figure you want.

P.S. If you have some easy diet tips of your own, please leave a comment so that we can all use them.

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How To Break The Stress-Fat Connection…

Did you know that “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts?” This ironic connection makes sense because under stress, we frequently do destructive things, frequently overeating, and overeating the ‘wrong’ foods. Here are some tips on how to break the stress-fat connection.

Daily stress leads to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and defeat. Too much of it in turn leads to toxic stress. And toxic stress frequently leads to self-destructive behaviors — overeating for many women; overdrinking for many men.

The big issue with stress-related eating is that it leads to belly fat deep inside your body, and this belly fat is associated with increased risks of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

How can you fight the urge to self-destruct in response to stress?

Eat every 3-4 hours. Meals and planned snacks in between. And have a specific plan for eating balanced, healthy snacks rather than running to the vending machines when things get stressful — reduced fat, crunchy peanut butter on whole wheat crackers, or low-fat string cheese and an apple. Just eating will be satisfying, and will calm you down, and if you can eat healthier, lower-calorie snacks that you’ve planned, you’ll be ahead of the game.

Get up and take a walk. Research shows that moving helps you generate chemicals that make you feel better and less self-destructive.

Take a mental chill-pill. Consider the source of the stress: It can only cause big-time distress if you choose to allow it to do that. Remember: You’re in control!

Make a list of all the stressors in your life, and then take a hard look at the list. Ask yourself why you allow them to cause you stress, and how you can get back in control of them. Are they really big deals? Can you change something? (Remember: You do have the power to change a job or a bad relationship…)

Try to maintain a healthy balance and positive outlook on life, and reach for your walking/running shoes rather than a candy bar when things get stressful!

The road to stress relief should not include a rest stop at the vending machine or ice cream shop. Best-selling author Dr. Pamela Peeke has some great tips to help break the stress-fat connection that can literally be a killer.


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Weight Loss Tricks…

Weight loss tricks which are little known can give you an edge you would not otherwise have. Many people find it difficult to lose weight safely and consistently, but it is not that hard if you know exactly what to do. There are many techniques and little known tricks you can employ which will ease the process, and speed it up. Here in this article you will find some very effective weight loss tricks.

Weight Loss Trick 1
Keep a record of your progress. Some weight loss tricks we don’t want to use are the ones which are self inflicted. We can often defeat ourselves by being dishonest about our calorie intake, or missed exercise because we were too busy, and this can largely be avoided by keeping a weight graph. It is easy to use squared or graph paper to plot the results of your progress, or lack of it. Make sure you weigh yourself consistently, wearing the same clothes, at a set time every day. When the graph is joined together to form a line, you will have visual evidence of your progress.

Weight Loss Trick 2
Keep a record of the food you eat. So many people kid themselves by choosing not to remember all of the times they gave in to temptation and ate something they shouldn’t. Then, they feign surprise at their lack of progress on the scales. Make a written record of everything you eat, and keep it accurate and comprehensive. Make a note of how much you eat, and when you eat it, as the body can burn calories at different rates at different times of day. Try to note down exact numbers of calories if you can. The weight loss graph and diary will allow you to analyse for yourself what is producing results and what is not.

Weight Loss Trick 3
Get rid of junk food. Junk food, or as some call it “fast” food, is riddled with empty, useless calories. Even eating this once a week will put a severe brake on your progress, as one meal of burger, fries and sugar laden drink can contain the same calories as you would get from three healthy meals. There is no way you can expect to lose weight by taking in an extra day’s worth of calories every week, so the junk food should be cut out completely.

Weight Loss Trick 4
Set yourself a goal. It doesn’t matter if the goal is modest, as some people only need to lose a small amount of weight. If you have a serious problem with obesity, as so many Americans sadly do, then do some research and find out what your optimum body weight should be. Even though that target may be a long way off, it will be achievable with solid, consistent effort. Everything is easier when there is a clear destination, and when a large goal is broken down into smaller ones.

You can use some simple but effective weight loss tricks to reach your target so much more easily. Take note of these weight loss tricks, because they will give you renewed hope, and a belief you can succeed.

P.S. If you have any tricks of your own you would like to share then add it in the comments box. We can then all help each other.

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Six Secrets Of Successful Slimmers…

It’s that time again when we all resolve to clean up our eating habits, get fit and lose weight but statistics show that less than 5% of us actually succeed long term.  So would you like to know the secrets of successful slimmers?  What does it take to make sure that you win the war against weight gain?

According to the National Weight Control Registry (a massive ongoing US study that has tracked the eating and exercise habits of over 10,000 people who have successfully lost at least 30 pounds for a year or longer) there are six habits that set the successful slimmers apart.

Habit 1: Successful slimmers are realistic goal setters
Instead of focusing on a weight that they would like to be to look good they focus on a weight that they know will help them feel good.

It’s no use being super slim but eternally hungry or tired. Focus instead on a weight that is realistic for your body, one that will help you to be healthy and happy long term. Ask yourself what is the lightest I have been in my adult life for a period lasting longer than six months. This will give you a good idea of what is a realistic and achievable weight for you.
Habit 2: Successful slimmers want to be a ‘tortoise’ not a ‘hare’
Weight loss of the study participants have ranged from 30 to 300lbs and have taken between one and 14 years.

Whilst no-one is suggesting you should take 14 years to achieve your goals, these statistics do emphasise the importance of taking a slow and steady approach. Long term success is never achieved with a fast fix solution so aim to lose no more than two pounds a week. Any more than this and it is highly likely you’ll be losing lean muscle tissue which will only reduce your body’s ability to burn calories in the long run.

Habit 3: Successful slimmers take full responsibility
They realise that there is no point blaming external people or circumstances for their weight.  They also understand that they must lose weight for themselves — not to please others and accept that there are no magic pills or potions that will do it for them.

Be honest enough to identify the real reasons you have gained weight in the first place and have the courage to tackle those root causes head on. Accept that whilst others may be able to eat anything and never seem to gain a pound you simply cannot and therefore need to adopt an eating an exercising regime that takes this into account.

Habit 4: Successful slimmers exercise — a lot!
The successful participants lost weight in a number of ways, 55% with the help of some kind of programme whilst 45% achieved success by themselves.  However, almost all have found that in order to maintain their weight losses they need to exercise for approximately an hour a day.

Start by upping your general activity levels. 62% of the successful slimmers watched less than 10 hours of TV a week and 75% achieved their exercise hours through an increased amount of walking. Buy a pedometer and aim for the recommended 10,000 steps a day. Walk or cycle to work and back and power walk through your lunch breaks. Then, once you’re moving more build in some structured exercise on top. Start attending fitness classes, swim after work, enrol in a tennis club or take up dancing. Whatever you do, find a way of exercising that fits with your lifestyle and adds quality to your life.

Habit 5: Successful slimmers don’t even try to be perfect
They understand that to be a long term success it’s all about getting it right most of the time — but not all! They don’t ban foods and they certainly don’t beat themselves up when they ‘fall off the wagon’. They see exercise and healthy eating as something they deserve to have in their lives to help them feel better not as a gruelling regime or a punishment. They eat smaller portions which enable them to have the odd treat here and there and they don’t just reward themselves with food. They understand the value in other rewards such as a manicure or a hot bath and they don’t obsess over the scales.

Habit 6: Successful slimmers eat real food
They also eat at regular intervals. 78% ate breakfast every day and almost all monitored calories or portion sizes but steered clear of pills, potions or pre-packed diet foods.

Eat at least seven servings of fresh fruit and vegetables a day along side good quality, slow releasing carbohydrates. Limit fat, sugar and alcohol and adopt a consistent eating pattern regardless of whether it’s a weekday, weekend or holiday.  Make sure you listen to your body too and only eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.

If you have any secrets to successful slimming why not share them with us. Leave your secret in the comments below.


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Does Your Food Make You Burn More Fat?

I’ve got a very interesting article to share with you today on how your food can make you burn more fat. It’s from my good friends and fat loss cooking experts Dave and Karine from MetabolicCooking.

In this article, you will learn:

1. Why most “healthy” cookbooks use ingredients that actually make you fat.

2. How to ensure your meals are optimized to make you burn more fat!

3. What to do so your meal plan doesn’t hit a fat loss plateau.

I’m telling you, this is GOLD!


Is your food making you FAT or burn MORE fat? (article)
By Karine Losier & Dave Ruel

If you’ve tried fat loss diets before and have used a variety of weight loss cookbooks to try to lose body fat, then you very likely know by now that those fat loss diets and the “healthy” cookbooks that go with them don’t work.

What is it about them that makes successful weight loss so difficult to achieve?

Well for starters, most “healthy” cookbooks are NOT designed with high Metabolic Thermo Charge ingredients. They are not using the metabolic powers that certain foods have to make your body burn more  fat. Instead, they use ingredients with very low thermogenic effect.

Why does this matter? Because the Metabolic Thermo Charge of food stands for how many calories your body will burn just by breaking down the nutrients each time you consume a certain food.

Most people have absolutely no idea of the power some of these foods have over the fat burning processes that go on inside the body, and so they never really think twice about them. BIG MISTAKE.

For example, simply consuming high-quality protein with most meals will naturally burn off more calories and move you closer to your target weight. Lean protein has a very high “Metabolic Thermo Charge”. Spices also have a strong thermogenic effect on your body. Combining certain foods together, such as chicken and turmeric, with help you burn more fat after you eat it.

Interesting, right?

But that’s not all. Another thing to consider is whether or not your so-called “healthy” cookbook has a real structure. Too often, cookbooks are just a bunch of recipes thrown together at random – you pick and choose what you feel like eating at that point in the day. That is NOT going to make you burn fat faster!

Having a structure is mandatory if you want to rid yourself of stubborn fat. That’s why we developed a quick and easy “Metabolic Nutri-Profile” system for all our recipes, so you can see precisely what nutrients you’re taking in, which ensures that each meal makes the most of your metabolic rate.

Don’t make the mistake of venturing into the food jungle without your compass!

So we’ve talked about the food and the structure of your eating plan. Sounds like we’ve got it covered, right? NO!

Ever followed a diet to a “T” and all of a sudden noticed that you stopped losing fat?

This is called the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon. It occurs at that point in your diet when your body knows precisely what it’s getting in terms of food and has fully adapted to it. When it reaches this state, your metabolism slows down and fat loss screeches to a halt.

In order to avoid the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon, you have to vary your nutrient intake regularly, shocking your body as time goes on. This keeps it guessing and ensures your metabolism stays on high at all times. Having a wide range of fat loss recipes at your fingertips makes avoiding this frustrating condition a breeze!

Now you know the REAL score when it comes to dieting and how to burn more fat! Be sure to watch out for these three sneaky saboteurs next time you make the decision to lose fat!

I told you this was great info, right?

Dave and Karine know everything it takes to be successful when it comes to burning fat faster. And in Metabolic Cooking, they provide you with a huge collection of awesome fat torching recipes that will:

1. Help you burn more fat faster with the help of specific Metabolic Thermo Charged ingredients

2. Efficiently structure your meal plan with their simple and effective “Metabolic Nutri-Profile”

3. Fight the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon.

If you struggle with food or nutrition, Metabolic Cooking is your knight in shining armour. <——- Recipes that burn more fat faster!

Talk to you soon!

Bob Lampard



P.S. You don’t have to cook meals that make you FAT anymore: ==>

Do you have any recipes of your own that help you burn more fat. Why not share them with us. Post them in the comments below.


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The Alternate-Day Diet…

Did You Know…

…that following an “alternate-day diet” can turn on your “skinny gene,” and help you to not only lose weight, but also live longer and healthier?

Researchers have identified a very simple weight-loss regimen that offers outstanding health benefits, from easing asthma symptoms and reducing blood sugar levels … to preventing heart disease and breast cancer.

This diet also helps you live longer. It’s called by different names, including:

The Alternate-Day Diet
Intermittent Fasting
Longevity Diet
Up Day, Down Day Diet

Whatever the name, the fundamentals are the same. You eat very little one day—half or less of your normal recommended caloric intake—and as much as you desire the next. This way of eating appears to trigger a “skinny” gene that promotes fat loss along with significantly better health.

Dr. James Johnson, respected metabolic researcher and author of The Alternate-Day Diet, explains, “The evidence says this is about the most healthy thing you can do for yourself.”

Fewer Calories, Longer, Healthier Life

Since the 1930s, scientists have known that calorie restriction increases health and longevity. Since then, countless studies have confirmed that animals restricted to a very low calorie diet live about 30% longer and reap measurable health benefits, such as:

Clearer arteries
Lowered inflammation
Reduced blood sugar
Less damage to brain cells
Fewer age-related diseases

Calorie restriction may also help prevent breast cancer, according to recent research from the Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention Centre in Manchester, England.

The only problem, however, is that very few people have been able or willing to deprive themselves so significantly for any extended period of time!

The “Every Other Day” Breakthrough

The big breakthrough for calorie restriction came in 2003. That’s when neuroscientist Dr. Mark Mattson discovered that rats kept to a restricted-calorie diet every other day enjoyed the same outstanding health and longevity benefits as constantly deprived rats!

This discovery meant that for the first time, the weight-loss and health rewards of calorie restriction could be enjoyed by real people, not just lab rats.

Krista Varady, assistant professor of kinesiology and nutrition at the University of Illinois, Chicago, says, “It takes about two weeks to adjust to the diet and, after that, people don’t feel hungry on the fast days.”

Varady conducted a 10-week trial of 16 obese patients who alternated a regular, healthy diet one day and followed by 20% of their recommended caloric intake the next. Participants lost 10-30 pounds, much more than the 5 or 6 pounds expected!

The Skinny Gene: Burns Fat, Lowers Blood Sugar and Inflammation, and Dramatically Improves Asthma

Scientists believe the stress of a sudden, sharp drop in food intake triggers a “skinny” gene known as SIRT1. “This then blocks another gene involved in storing fat,” explains Dr. Johnson. “The body starts using up more of the fat stores. As a result you lose more weight than you would from just eating fewer calories.”

The SIRT1 gene is also associated with lowered blood sugar and inflammation. Inflammation is linked to virtually every serious health problem and chronic condition, including ageing. Therefore, controlling inflammation is critical to slowing ageing and improving health. It’s also key to helping asthma patients, who stand to reap huge health gains from alternate-day dieting.

Dr. Johnson worked with scientists from the National Institute on Aging to conduct a study of the effects of alternate-day dieting on 10 obese asthmatics. After 8 weeks, study subjects lost an average of 8% of their body weight. In addition, they had:

==> 70% less inflammation in their lungs
==> 90% lower levels of damaging free radicals (linked with heart disease
and cancer)

“No other dietary approach to asthma has recorded anything like that benefit,” says Dr. Johnson.

Tips To Follow

For the first 2 weeks, Dr. Johnson says you should limit yourself to 500 calories on the “fasting” days. This will ensure that you trigger the skinny gene. Using protein shakes or other meal replacement foods might make calorie counting easier.

After the first 2 weeks, you can achieve continued weight loss by keeping your caloric intake on fasting days to 35% or less of your recommended allowance. To maintain weight, you can fast at 50-60% of recommended intake.

On alternate days, you don’t need to count calories, just eat normally. For health reasons, Dr. Johnson and others emphasize making healthy food choices such as fresh vegetables and fruit. Don’t binge, but do enjoy yourself so that you don’t get burnt out and abandon the diet.

Drink lots of water and get regular exercise, especially on the non-fasting days.

Weight fluctuates more with alternate-day eating, so weigh yourself only once a week, on the same day.

Bob Lampard

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How To Keep Your Resolution To Lose Weight

You decide to start a diet and all is fine for the first few days until you start to crave a treat and you wonder just how to keep your resolution to lose weight.

There are several simple things you can do:

Firstly, set modest goals. If you set huge goals to lose 30 llbs in the first month you are setting yourself up to fail

Weigh yourself more than once a week. It used to be thought that once a week was the best to avoid the discouragement of day to day weight fluctuations. However, if you weigh yourself more frequently gives you a ‘wake-up call’ at the first sign of weight gain so you can get right back on your plan.

Watch the video where Elizabeth Somer, a Registered Dietician and Author explains more.

So, develop a plan for both diet and exercise and don’t worry if you fall ‘off the wagon’ just after starting. Don’t give up. Get right back on your plan and keep your resolution to lose weight easily.




Bob Lampard

p.s. Why not share your tips as to how you keep your resolution to lose weight. Leave a comment below.

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Spot Fat Reduction…

Contrary to what many different weight loss programs suggest it is not possible for spot fat reduction from one particular part of the body.

Just because you might have fat thighs or flabby triceps you won’t find a diet that will specifically reduce the fat in those areas.

When you lose fat you will lose it throughout your body and not in specific areas alone.

The same applies to areas such as the belly however there is something that you can do.

By adding targeted resistance training exercises to your daily routine you can assist the muscles in those areas to support and tone your body.

By doing abdominal exercises you can firm and tighten your abdominal muscles where they will assist in better posture. This alone can help to flatten your stomach and give the appearance of weight loss through the better posture you will achieve.

You can do tricep exercises to tone and strengthen the tricep muscles and this too will help that area to look better even without fat loss.

Once you begin to lose fat throughout the body those parts where you have been applying your resistance training will begin to show the benefits of your training.

You can have the best shape abdominal muscles in the world but no one is going to see them if they are covered in a layer of body fat.

You need to understand from reading this that you won’t be able to get the look of rock hard abs by using the latest advertised abdominal machine each day if the muscles are hidden by a layer of fat. Sure you will be able to add support to the whole of your body by strengthening the muscles but you need to reduce fat to get in shape no matter what else you do.

Training will help to burn the fat as will diet and you will find that most of these solutions that are advertised in the infomercials that promise such startling results include dietary recommendations and it is by applying those changes to your eating habits that has the most influence on your body shape rather than the exercise equipment.

Bob Lampard

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Weightloss, Age Is Not An Excuse…

Weightloss, we should not use age as an excuse. There’s no doubt about the fact that the body changes as we age and fat is stored in places that we didn’t have to worry about when we were younger.

The metabolism slows and the digestive system doesn’t work as well as it once did.

Hormonal changes in the body can also affect the shape that you are in but there is one thing that always remains the same at all ages – If you eat too much food and drink too much alcohol you will gain weight.

Many people use their age as an excuse for being over weight but this is not acceptable. Consider how many elderly people there are who are still slim, fit and healthy and you will see that age is not an excuse.

Lifestyles create the body we have to live with and the effects of poor lifestyle choices are multiplied as we age because the abuse that we have been giving our body through poor food choices throughout our life accumulates with fat and other health related problems due to poor nutrition.

You can and should expect to keep your fat percentage at an optimum level throughout your life. The health benefits from doing so will pay dividends with a better quality of life and reduced dependence on medication and other health related expenditure as you age.

At any stage in your life, no matter how old you are you can benefit from improved nutrition and exercise.

Anything that will reduce the excess levels in your body fat will assist in helping you to live longer and to enjoy that time more.

Starting on an exercise program and taking care to improve your nutrition is the best way to turn back the body clock and it is never too late to start winding back the years. Obviously the sooner you start the better but starting is the essential ingredient that you need right now. So forget about using your age as an excuse for being overweight and do something today.

Bob Lampard



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