Did you know that “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts?” This ironic connection makes sense because under stress, we frequently do destructive things, frequently overeating, and overeating the ‘wrong’ foods. Here are some tips on how to break the stress-fat connection.
Daily stress leads to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and defeat. Too much of it in turn leads to toxic stress. And toxic stress frequently leads to self-destructive behaviors — overeating for many women; overdrinking for many men.
The big issue with stress-related eating is that it leads to belly fat deep inside your body, and this belly fat is associated with increased risks of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
How can you fight the urge to self-destruct in response to stress?
Eat every 3-4 hours. Meals and planned snacks in between. And have a specific plan for eating balanced, healthy snacks rather than running to the vending machines when things get stressful — reduced fat, crunchy peanut butter on whole wheat crackers, or low-fat string cheese and an apple. Just eating will be satisfying, and will calm you down, and if you can eat healthier, lower-calorie snacks that you’ve planned, you’ll be ahead of the game.
Get up and take a walk. Research shows that moving helps you generate chemicals that make you feel better and less self-destructive.
Take a mental chill-pill. Consider the source of the stress: It can only cause big-time distress if you choose to allow it to do that. Remember: You’re in control!
Make a list of all the stressors in your life, and then take a hard look at the list. Ask yourself why you allow them to cause you stress, and how you can get back in control of them. Are they really big deals? Can you change something? (Remember: You do have the power to change a job or a bad relationship…)
Try to maintain a healthy balance and positive outlook on life, and reach for your walking/running shoes rather than a candy bar when things get stressful!
The road to stress relief should not include a rest stop at the vending machine or ice cream shop. Best-selling author Dr. Pamela Peeke has some great tips to help break the stress-fat connection that can literally be a killer.